Corporate is boring. Right? WRONG! Doesn’t have to be. Not if you’ve got the most conversational, and relatable voiceover to engage your audience, share your ideas or explain your ‘how to’s’.
I have worked with loads of clients who come to me for just that. Want to know how I can inject life into your script? Holla at me!

What clients say...
Working with Alix is really easy and good fun. She is easy to direct and has a great voice which can be used for a variety of things.
She is easy to get hold of and each session has been a breeze with the clients loving the end results!
Jordan Ritchie
Mult-media Producer (Global)
Alix is a delight to work with!
Expect professionalism, humour and a delivery of excellent work.
Highly Recommend!
John Peter Meiring
Freelance Illustrator & Animator
Odd Pumpkin Studio
To say she exceeded all expectations would be an understatement. The performances themselves were not only fantastic, but her recording quality was far above anything I've recieved before.
A great experience all around.
Rob MacFarlane
Producer & Engineer
(KSI, Chase & Status, Plan B, Dean St Studios)
My voice work
Feel free to have a browse at the corporate work I have voiced for some fabulous clients!
LPR - Le Pallet Rouge
I absolutely loved working on this campaign. The client wanted a punchy voice to bring their wooden pallet film to life. So much fun!
Corporate Promo
Voiceover Style: Punchy, Engaging, Confident
Dutch Design Week
Here is a video I had the pleasure of voicing for Dutch Design Week. I just love the music in this, its so cool!
Corporate Promo
Voiceover Style: Activistic, Encouraging, Casual
InHolland University
A great project I voiced for InHolland University based in the Netherlands. This campaign shares the power of indivdual human potential.
Online campaign
Voiceover Style: Encouraging, Friendly, Inspiring
BAM - Making Possible
This is the second video I voiced for BAM, love working with these guys!
Corporate Film
Voiceover Style: Positive, Uplifting, Meaningful.
ICMP - State Responsibility
A important project I worked on with ICMP (The International Commission on Missing Persons) The ICMP are an intergovernmental organization that addresses the issue of persons missing as a result of armed conflicts, violations of human rights, and natural disasters.
Corporate Animation
Voiceover Style: Meaningful, Committed, Genuine.
Mid and South Essex - Health & Care Strategy
A great project I worked on for Mid & South Essex NHS. The client wanted me to lean into an Essex accent with a conversational and friendly feel.
Corporate Film
Voiceover Style: Conversational, Caring, Informative.
This was a campaign for Halifax, highlightening the dangers of how convincing people can be on the phone trying to steal your information.
I voice the fraudster, encouraging someone to hand over their details.
Corporate Animation
Voiceover Style: Believable, Friendly, Empathetic.
I had the pleasure of voicing this animation for Citizen OS - "A dedicated non-profit designed to empower not just individuals, but entire communities from all over the globe to defend democracy and ignite change"
Corporate Film
Voiceover Style: Genuine, Meaningful, Hopeful.